
S.Africa: Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre to be closed

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2004-06-23  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 6/23/2004 11:23:55 AM
S.Africa: Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre to be closed

S.Africa: Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre to be closed

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org

Date & Time Posted: 6/23/2004 11:23:55 AM

S.Africa: Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre to be closed

[Rehabilitating drug addicts is extremely difficult. This care centre used a military/discipline style – and by some reports it had a pretty good success rate. Now it is to be closed because according to the Angels in the ANC is it too cruel, etc.

They similarly nailed a black headmaster to the wall for daring to give his black students corporal punishment. What they don’t mention much of, is that this black headmaster had one of the most successful schools in KwaZulu/Natal. He was instilling discipline in the black kids.

The ANC, “feels” for these people… but doesn’t give a damn about the people being murdered and raped in this country by the thousands. It is worried about a bit of corporal punishment… but has a deaf ear to armed robberies, murder, rape, etc. That’s because in each case… they pursue their own hidden agendas… like removing parental control communist style… on the one hand and then unleashing crime against whites on the other.

And back to the Christian Day Care centre: I know people who do hard drugs – cocaine, etc. I have tried talking to them. But they won’t listen. Cocaine boosts people’s self confidence (so I have learned from seeing people who do cocaine)… and it makes them very arrogant. TALK is a waste of time with the drug addicts I have come into contact with. I think this Christian Centre may have been on to something… But the ANC has other ideas. Jan]

Cape Town – The days of the controversial Christian Care Centre in Noupoort might be numbered after a task team of experts found that there had been human rights abuses and other irregularities at this drug rehabilitation centre.

The centre’s management are opposing the findings and maintain that the centre should continue operating.

Social Development Minister Dr Zola Skweyiya announced on Tuesday that he was considering closing the centre and that the directors should provide reasons why he shouldn’t do this. He said the centre would not be granted a permanent registration as a rehabilitation centre.

A series of events clouded the centre in controversy. A patient committed suicide by hanging himself, and the body of Logal Klingenberg, 16, was found in a punishment cell.

The task team found that human rights abuses were commonplace at Noupoort despite the centre being run on a temporary registration. This was granted two years ago on condition that the centre runs its programmes within the ambit of the law. The team found that the centre did not comply with the acts on childcare and treatment of substance abusers.

Dr Nomathemba Kela, leader of the task team, said a report on irregularities and shortcomings in the running of the centre would be released on Friday.

These included “military style exercise programmes” during which young patients were submitted to hours of strenuous exercise without the opportunity to rest and “excessive discipline”. Unqualified staff members were employed, and in some cases, patients acted as staff. In some instances, patients were denied contact with their families.

The detoxification and medication programmes also did not comply with requirements.

Terrible odour

Kela said one of the living quarters was underground and lacked proper ventilation. A “terrible odour” hung in the air.

The kitchen was unhygienic and a lot of food was no longer fresh. The centre’s financial statements also didn’t comply with requirements.

“The government cannot tolerate this situation,” Skweyiya said.

He said alternative arrangements would be made for the centre’s patients.

“We won’t turn these people out onto the streets of Noupoort or Cape Town.”

However, the centre’s management has dug in its heels.

Personnel chief Tokkie van Wyk said: “Even if the minister refuses us permanent registration we will continue with the rehabilitation of drug addicts.”

Director Pastor Sophocles Nissiotis said the centre had to remain open because it obtained a 100% matric and grade 10 pass rate.

Nissiotis believed that the minister was biased. Two years ago Skweyiya had already indicated that the centre would have been closed if it depended on him.

Source: News24.Com
