
I"ve just watched Mugabe"s Secret Famine

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2003-01-15  Posted By: Jan

From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 1/15/2003 11:03:20 PM
I"ve just watched Mugabe"s Secret Famine

Thanks to Fiona’s lightning like efforts, I have just watched Mugabe’s secret famine. It was couriered to me from England.

Quite interesting. I’ll write more comments later. It is a bit weak in terms of showing the actual suffering inside Zim. But it is quite a high level treatment showing how Britain doesn’t give a damn, and neither does South Africa.

They went right to the top and speak to the movers and shakers. It is quite damning in its views of both Tony Blair and his Government as well as South Africa.

South Africa’s complicity in this is quite damning.

I do feel, the kinds of photos and info we’ve seen smuggled out of Zim is actually better. But this was live – the real thing.

It is clear that there is food in the country, and people are still able to eat – they just eat very little – one meal every two or three days. And they are still able to sell cattle, or do other things to keep themselves alive. They drink a lot of water, etc.

One thing which struck me, since this was filmed just before Xmas 2002, is this. People were eating leaves from trees, and also a type of root/wood which is very bitter but edible. The thing which struck me was that they are subsisting off of what natural vegetation they can live off at the height of SUMMER.

When winter arrived, in the next 4-5 months they won’t even have leaves to eat.

So no doubt, the real starvation is going to come this winter. It is a slow starvation and it is artificial in the making – were it not for Police roadblocks, government intervention, etc they would live.

It is a very slow starvation because they are able to get small amounts of maize, or they eat something in the wild, etc. But it is clear they are running out of things to eat.

It is not bad as a first start – I feel better can be done, and I am determined to see if I can still work out something with someone to put together our own documentary. I definitely feel, they covered a “high level” issue showing that WORLDWIDE there was a total indifference to the situation there.

I loved the way they showed Tony Blair talking his normal bull of if “Another Rwanda were to occur and a million people were to die we must act…”. Well, Tony Blair, the big liar that he is, is ignoring the suffering of 6-8 million people in Zim. The impending disaster there is much greater and he’s doing nothing.

The British journalist, Peter Osborne referred to this as a “pre-Famine” which can still be averted but, because nobody, including South Africa and Britain is doing anything, it will go ahead.

He made it clear that one country, South Africa, could nip this in the bud in a MATTER OF DAYS (this is true) – as happened when South Africa put Ian Smith out of business in the late 1970’s… But it won’t happen. South Africa doesn’t care less.

There is one hero out there – Peter Tatchell – the man who tried to arrest Mugabe 2 years ago. What a hero. I have a *LOT* of respect for that man. A modern day hero indeed.

I feel this documentary has only opened the way… there should be more of these sorts of programs – but we must get the really gruesome stuff out there.