WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.
Original Post Date: 2003-01-13 Posted By: Jan
From the News Archives of: WWW.AfricanCrisis.Org
Date & Time Posted: 1/13/2003 11:26:32 AM
IMPORTANT: Is Mugabe stepping down?
I have just heard and read a story in the BBC which says that there is a plan, which includes the MDC, which says that Mugabe is stepping down.
I still need to speak to people in Zimbabwe, and to others, but my initial reaction to this would be: Do not get your hopes up. In the last few years Mugabe has PLAYED DEAD on a number of occassions. His best instance of playing dead so far was last year when a series of (disinformation?) stories hit the British Press stating that he was very ill and dying. This was accompanied by other stories stating that he was going mad. Among other things he was supposedly seeing the ghosts of former associates like Nkomo, etc. He was apparently a psychological wreck heading for the loony bin.
What is particularly interesting about last year’s stories which surfaced in a big way in the British press, is that it happened at a time when pressure on him was increasing in a big way.
At this time, the cricket issue is causing a lot of pressure to be put on him, and it is most interesting that this story is going out at a time just when the pressure on him is increasing from all sides.
The reason Mugabe plays dead is quite interesting. It is merely to get people off his back. What this should tell us is that he is LOSING – he is sensing that he is losing control and he needs to get his enemies off his back. Since he is the key problem, he finds creative ways of putting out stories which indicate that his grip is weakening and he is going downhill.
So before everyone gets too excited that this means he is finished, let me remind people that in the past, after this flurry of stories and speculation, things quieten down and the whole thing is forgotten. It is even possible, to lend credence to this, that they may engage in “negotiations” which drag on and on for months on end and in the end it falls apart.
One thing people must get used to is that communists like Mugabe are well trained in all the psychological tricks. They know how to DISARM you mentally by telling you what they know you want to hear and what will cause you to leave them alone.
I pointed out in my book, Government by Deception, that when Mugabe came to power (just like the ANC), they engaged in a political strategy which was called “Weakness and Evolution”. This is a strategy which KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn pointed out. Whenever a communist regime is truly weak, they pretend they are weaker than they actually are, and they put out disinformation that they are in the process of actually collapsing. They put out disinformation that they are in the process of “evolving away from communism.” This is a standard disinformation strategy which communists evolved decades ago. ZANU(PF) practised it in Zimbabwe in the 1980’s, and the ANC has been practising it in South Africa since 1994. It is intended to shore up the communists and to buy them time while getting their enemies off their backs.
So, my warning to people is to WAIT AND SEE. I will see if I can find my old articles which I wrote a year ago warning that the stories of Mugabe’s ill health were disinformation – and that proved to be true. This is very likely a similar thing.
Remember something: The upper echelons of ZANU(PF) are thoroughly PURGED. Nobody to disloyal – even slightly so – makes it up there. So any idea that people inside ZANU(PF) would, of their own accord negotiate Mugabe’s demise is unthinkable. They would only engage in this WITH MUGABE’S EXPRESS APPROVAL – or else he would have them killed in 2 seconds.
Right at this time, I notice for example, that in the Middle East, just as the USA is getting ready to smash Saddam Hussein, that the North Koreans, are trying to attract attention, and closet communists such as Tony Blair are trying to slow down US war preparations. Now this is the old communist cabal merely trying to divert attention and trying, through psychological trickery, to stop the USA from winning a decisive outright victory over Iraq.
Communists are MASTERS at the art of playing for time and wearing you out. Mugabe is a communist master of psychological warfare and he has scored some very good propaganda victories – indeed, he is doing quite well with the assistance and connivance of the South African government.
They are helping him a lot.