
Colin Powell booed, Mugabe Applauded

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2002-09-08 Published on: ETHERZONE.COM&nbsp  Posted By: Jan

SubTitle: The World Summit on Sustainable Development

Can you believe, Colin Powell was booed into silence here in South
Africa, while Robert Mugabe was applauded!!? It happened right here
at that travelling circus known as the World Summit on Sustainable
Development. I’ll tell you the whole story further down.

I hope you Americans have your check books ready, because you folks
need to hand over trillions of dollars to the whole world! Yes, you
Americans, especially your industry, has screwed up the entire planet.
Did you know, you people are responsible for Global warming?
Yes, you folks
stuffed up the climate, you’re killing the world, and its time
you paid for all the damage you did. How do I know this? Well, that’s
what I heard on the news for about two weeks each day during the
World Summit on Sustainable Development [WSSD]. Until then, I did
not realise that you folks (and the Europeans too), are the cause
of all the world’s problems! Delegate after delegate at the WSSD
spoke about the damage the Developed nations of the world are doing.
Not only that, but towards the end they were saying that the USA and
Europe would have to cough up trillions of dollars for the damage
you people have done to the world!

When the WSSD ended, the Russians and the communist Chinese, decided
to support the Kyoto accord, and they were leading the way, with the
hope that the developed world would follow.

I wondered if it was a trap. All I know, is that if Russia and China
support something, then there
must be a real reason, and from what I pieced together, I’ll bet the
Kyoto accord will cause tremendous damage to the Western world’s
industry. In my humble opinion, that is what the WSSD’s real hidden
agenda was all about. It was just a podium from which to bash the
developed world.

They did the normal guilt trip thing. Let me quote from my book,
Government by Deception:

Guilt is a powerful psychological weapon. Communists have long recognised
the power of guilt. Guilt is a powerful weapon that can be used to make people
feel terrible about themselves. But before you can exploit guilt you have to prove
to people that they have committed a crime. Communists have been spending the better
part of their existence proving to people that they are sinners. The stronger
a person’s religious and spiritual background is, the more likely he is to be
affected by feelings of guilt. The Bible teaches us that we are all sinners
and so it is relatively easy to make any decent person feel a sense of guilt.

The basic communist ideas on guilt were stolen from the Roman Catholic Church!
Lajos Ruff, the Hungarian anti-communist had survived physical torture. Then he
was sent for brainwashing in the “Magic Room”. A psychiatrist, Dr Nemeth, was to
get the truth out of him while attempting to destroy his mind.

Dr Nemeth, like other communists, mocked the church, but saw in its methods a
vehicle for the advancement of their own cause. One day he remarked: “I respect
the Catholic Church. The confession is an excellent institution. How much your
mind is eased by confessing your sins!”
(Author’s Emphasis). Dr Nemeth went
to great lengths trying to get Lajos to believe he was guilty of crimes he had
never committed.

Let me remind the Reader that the basic tenet of Marxism, from the beginning was
to “prove”, via lies and twisted facts, that the rich were responsible for all the
world’s ills. The World Summit on Sustainable Developement was an exercise which
was basically proving Marx to be true.

The African National Congress [ANC] are like Clinton, Blair and other
leftists across the world. They are all hot air and image. There is NO
SUBSTANCE to anything they do. It is all about IMAGE. To them, Government
is a public relations exercise. They spend all their time telling you how
their hearts bleed for the poor and how they will help the poor. Day after
day, year after year, they keep telling you how concerned they are for the
poor and how they will help them. But its all talk. It’s just hot air and
image – while the poor just get poorer than they ever were under conservative

I’m pretty used to the ANC and their bedfellows, the SACP [South African
Communist Party] always bitching about the rich, and bemoaning the fate
of the poor. But I know they are completely insincere and it is all just
a public relations and propaganda exercise.

So when I heard of this “World Summit on Sustainable Development” being
hosted here in South Africa, in Sandton actually, which is about 15 Km
from where I live, I just switched off. A friend of mine referred to it
as “an expensive travelling circus”. And what a circus it was!! They
struggled to find accomodation for the people who attended. Even so,
attendance was far below what they had expected. But about 40,000 people
from around the world attended.

We have enough trouble in this country with crime as it is. Now we were
inviting socialists, along with misguided environmentalists (Green socialists
if you will), along with various other rabblerousers and assorted idiots
to congregate here. It was a ridiculous affair. Palestinians went crazy when
a Jewish fellow was trying to speak. Our Police had their hands full arresting
people. Some moronic delegate then stated that the white Policemen were just
as bad now as under Apartheid!! Personally, I was pleased when the Police
got stuck into some of them. I was treated to the delightful scene of black
Policemen charging down on some of the troublemakers with shields and batons
and giving them some of the medicine they deserve. So now they can go back
home and tell people that it was not just “white Policemen from Apartheid”
who kicked their butts – they got their butts kicked by black Police too!!

I believe in Law and Order. Having seen Law and Order go to hell so often in
my life, I am actually a great supporter of the Law and of Police. We might
not have free speech in this country on conservative issues, but we sure do
have free speech for anything leftist. So all these emotional leftists who screamed
and ranted, and protested, had absolutely no excuse for the trouble they caused
here. They had a whole summit devoted to a lot of their unreal ideas, and they
had lots of opportunity to express their views without having to stage illegal
protests and to cause more disruption than we already had. But I digress.

I figured, that like conference on racism and Xenophobia last year, this was just
another “West-bashing” exercise held at South African taxpayer expense. The ANC
wants us to be seen as a leading nation of some kind. I’d guess they have succeeded
to some degree because now we are a leader in the field of stupid causes and
pointless exercises.

Take Green Peace for example. I once used to respect these people – until they came
here and I saw what a bunch of nutcases they really are. I’m all for saving the
environment and saving the animals. But, I’m realistic too. We have one small nuclear
reactor in South Africa. It powers Cape Town. It is the only nuclear reactor on
the entire African continent. It should be seen for what it is, a sign of development,
and of progress on a continent which knows neither. It poses no threat to anyone, and
it gives our nuclear scientists a place to develop their science. There has been talk
of building a second nuclear reactor which is based on a revolutionary design, also
to produce electricity. We are using nuclear power on a small scale, and learning from
it and putting it to peaceful use. So along come Green Peace and they try to break in
there. In the end they got arrested.

Excuse me, but aren’t there more important things to do? If environmentalists actually
give a damn about animals being wiped out then I suggest they trek into the heart of
Africa and they will see things that will make their skins crawl. Animals are being
eaten for food. Chimpanzees and even Gorillas come under fire from poachers and
from a burgeoning black population which is suffering from their collapsing infrastructure.
In Zimbabwe, 6 million starving people are killing and eating anything they can lay
their hands on. It was announced on the South African conservation TV program, 50/50,
on 8th August, that 60% of Zimbabwe’s wildlife has been wiped out in
the past two years despite Mugabe’s assurances that it would not happen!
once had some of the finest wildlife and game reserves on the African continent.

Let me tell you how these insane environmentalists are helping to destroy the very
animals they claim to want to protect. In Zimbabwe, under white rule, they used to have
a very healthy elephant population in the Wankie game reserve. There were elephants
galore. But the game rangers and scientists who managed them, engaged in an annual
culling exercise. Elephant do great damage to trees, stripping them of their bark. In
ancient times, elephants wandered over large areas – so the trees had time to recover.
But in game reserves, no matter how large, the elephants end up killing the trees. So
in Wankie, they culled annually. It was not a pretty sight, but it was done as humanely
as possible by sending in trained professionals who shot selected herds from helicopters.
The tusks were sold for profit. But the animals were properly managed and if you wanted
to see great herds of elephants in a lovely park, then Wankie was the place to go. Various
documentaries have been shown here, detailing how the environmentalists, with their soppy
attitudes towards culling have caused entire game reserves to be turned to desert. There
was a program which showed how Namibia had a great game reserve in one place with a
healthy elephant population. Then culling was forbidden. The elephant population grew
until there were too many. They destroyed the trees and then… the elephants died a horrid
excruciating death from starvation. That place now looks like a desert. I would much
rather have trained professionals shooting and despatching the elephants in the most
humane way possible than see elephants dying of starvation, or being killed by poachers
using snares, etc. Responsible management is the way to go. Go up into Africa and you
will see the most horrific things imaginable happening to the environment. It will send
chills down your spine as you see rare animals being killed for food or poached for an
aphrodisiac for the Asians.

Why is this happening? It is happening because, to a large degree, blacks are worse off
in Africa than ever before. Their population growth has been excessive, so now you see
large parts of Africa where destitute blacks, with no hope (because they are ruled by
Socialists and Marxists), are now engaging in a rape of the environment which threatens
to destroy Africa.

Environmentalists mustn’t come and tell me that Green House gases from America are
causing problems here. I can see the problem clearly here. 20 years ago, in Zimbabwe,
I watched how a burgeoning black population in a township on the outskirts of Harare,
cut down every tree in sight – from their doorstep to the horizon – just for firewood
over a period of just a few years. That is damage to the environment. When animals,
of every description, are poached for food or profit – that is a disaster. Have you
seen how hideously some of those animals die? Elephants may lose a foot thanks to a
snare. Most just die a slow, horrid, excruciating death.

I can tell the difference between Law and Order and madness. I much prefer organisation
and logic to wholesale desperation and insanity. Maybe lots of these “Greenies” don’t
realise the many benefits of civilisation and good government – but I do. I have seen
what lies at the other end of the spectrum and I don’t like it at all.

If Green Peace or any of the other environmentalists had any balls, they’d come to Africa
and try to save what they could. They would realise that industry in America or Europe
is not the problem. Instead of attacking our little nuclear reactor, they should be
out there working day and night for the destruction of Robert Mugabe. If you want to
see an example of total environmental wipeout, then it is going to be beautiful Zimbabwe.
Some weeks ago, I mentioned that a sober and experienced economist in Zimbabwe warned
the country could turn into a desert. On friday morning I was privvy to be present at
a news conference held by JAG (Justice for Agriculture), from Zimbabwe. They showed a
satellite photo which showed how large segments of Zimbabwe are turning into a desert
now already because of what Mugabe is doing there. Blacks, by the million may have to
die or flee for their lives because of what is happening up there. But before they die
or run they will not only destroy the beautiful countryside, but also wipe out animals,
many of whom are already highly endangered. There are only 700 Rhino left in the world,
and many of these are in Zimbabwe. The disaster which is occuring in Zimbabwe is of
course unprecedented. But even higher up in Africa, you will see many chilling and
sad tales which are an environmentalists nightmare. But where are all these environmentalists?
They are too busy fighting imaginary foes in Europe and America. They are busy tilting
at windmills like Don Quixote while the real damage is being done, by madmen elsewhere.

Madmen. Yes, now for Robert Mugabe. He’s not mad. He’s just plain EVIL! I don’t know how
long Mr Mugabe is going to burn in hell for what he is doing, but I reckon he’s going
to pay for destroying people, animals and God’s environment. He is a professional liar
and a hate-monger par excellance. One thing that never ceases to amaze me, about Mugabe,
and Professor Jonathan Moyo (Minister of Information), is how much balls they have. You
have never seen as many “in your face”, outright and blatant lies, as those which issue
forth from their mouths.

There are millions – yes, millions – of black Zimbabweans in South Africa. They live here,
and even buy food here and send it up to Zimbabwe, to feed their families. Virtually none
of them want to be here, and they all hate Mugabe. So imagine my surprise, once Mugabe
arrived, to see a massive pro-Mugabe demonstration in Johanesburg!! I nearly fell off my
chair. I had expected an anti-Mugabe demonstation (and yes there was one), but a pro-Mugabe
one? I thought hell must have frozen over! Then I wondered if it was maybe a “Rent-A-Crowd”
exercise. Later in the week, someone from Zimbabwe wrote to me saying they had information
that Mugabe’s CIO [Central Intelligence Organisation] had funded and organised the pro-Mugabe

I laugh whenever Mugabe attacks Tony Blair. Tony Blair is a New Communist [Third Way], and
he hates England, and is hell-bent on destroying the British Royal Family. Tony Blair does
not represent “Great Britain” in any way, shape or form. He stands for the New Loser Britain.
Mugabe and Blair should actually be buddies. But, in this weird situation, where Blair is
a closet commie running England, we see Blair and Mugabe at loggerheads. Blair actually gives
Mugabe millions of pounds in aid – even now. But, in the public arena, Mr Mugabe lets
Blair have it. Mugabe’s speech was cheeky, and filled to the brim with blatant lies. But the
shocking thing was I never once, never once, heard anyone boo Mugabe. In fact, he was applauded
– loudly – by the delegates. From what I heard, he was applauded by most of the African
delegates! As I have said before, Mugabe is not a loner. He knows he is among friends,
and it shocked everyone. Not only that, but President Mbeki, of South Africa, allotted Mugabe
TWICE the amount of time for his speech that anyone else got. Furthermore, Mbeki never once
mentioned the Zimbabwe situation in all his speeches, and was ominously silent. This was
definitely noticed by most of the South Africa media and they were shocked.

Another thing which was noticed by some of the media, was that Zimbabwe’s Justice Minister,
Patrick Chinamasa made the following chilling statement on South African TV: “If you
think that in South Africa you will be freed from what is happening in Zimbabwe and you
don’t anticipate these changes, I feel sorry for you because as things are South African
blacks are in a worse situation than Zimbabweans.”
There was a small shockwave caused
by this – but it was soon forgotten. It was a warning which I have been hearing more and
more often from Zimbabweans (black and white alike), that Land invasions are coming to
South Africa. I have been anticipating this for the last 2 years, which is why I wrote
my book and set up my website. But I was a lone voice back then. Now I am hearing this
more and more from people “in the know” in Zimbabwe. But in South Africa, the government
is extremely hush hush about it – pretending it is not happening – and much of the population
are in denial about this… Mugabe is not a loner or a maverick. He is evil, he is a trend
setter and he has many admirers in Africa. It was quite shocking to see how much sway he

Then Mugabe lied, and all those leftists just ate it up. He said he was not forcing anyone
off their farms! He said each white farmer gets to keep at least one farm! That is a total,
blatant lie which anyone with half a brain can see through. Consider Mugabe’s own statistics.
They say that 2,900 farmers will be removed from 4,500 farms. But hold on, if each farmer
gets to keep one farm, then surely there will be 2,900 farms left in white hands? According
to JAG [Justice for Agriculture], the total land area which Mugabe wants is 97% of all farmland.
Furthermore, 75% of the farms were bought by white farmers AFTER Mugabe came to power! These
are not “remnants of colonialism”. So Mugabe told one lie on top of another, and got a huge
applause. He mocked Tony Blair, and made a melodramatic statement about how he had never asked
for a part of Europe and how Blair can keep “his England”, while Mugabe kept “my Zimbabwe”.
Some people noted that he said “my Zimbabwe” as if it were his personal possession.

All the socialists and Marxists bitched about America’s lack of attendance. I’m sure President
Bush had more pressing issues than to attend this circus. As with the conference on racism
(another circus), he eventually sent Colin Powell to say something. Colin Powell gave a very
level-headed and realistic speech which I thought was good. I couldn’t believe it when
Powell was shouted down and booed incessantly. He was booed until he had to stop and appeal for

If ever any of you needed any proof that the WSSD was merely a get-togther for the enemies
of America and Europe then this was it. After booing Powell, they went on to say that
the Western world, especially the USA had better cough up trillions of dollars in damages
for fixing the world which they had ruined. Then Russia and China quietly led the way
by signing the Kyoto accord which I believe will damage Western industry. Let this be
a reminder to you folks of who your real enemies are…

Note: This was a very active week on the Zimbabwe front. If you would like to read
about it, I suggest you read my report called:
Africa’s Next Great War.

I leave you with this final thought: The Worst thing a conservative can do, is to keep
quiet. That is a recipe for certain defeat. The only hope for conservatism is for us to
speak out much more loudly and to counter the many lies put out by our enemies.

Etherzone Articles by Jan Lamprecht

Your Survival Guide to Semantic Warfare. (Understanding the enemies of the West)
Archive of Jan Lamprecht’s articles on Etherzone.

Links & Products:

For the most graphic farm murder photos on the Internet go to:
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I can be contacted by e-mail at: [email protected]
My book : “Government by Deception” – Psychopolitics in Southern Africa is now
on sale in the USA. It can now be bought directly from Etherzone’s home page.
Click here to read comments by famous Americans who have read the book.