
S.Africa: Chatting to former Prez P.W.Botha in 2004

WARNING: This is Version 1 of my old archive, so Photos will NOT work and many links will NOT work. But you can find articles by searching on the Titles. There is a lot of information in this archive. Use the SEARCH BAR at the top right. Prior to December 2012; I was a pro-Christian type of Conservative. I was unaware of the mass of Jewish lies in history, especially the lies regarding WW2 and Hitler. So in here you will find pro-Jewish and pro-Israel material. I was definitely WRONG about the Boeremag and Janusz Walus. They were for real.

Original Post Date: 2006-01-17 Time: 00:00:00  Posted By: Jan

[Anthony sent me this article from the USA. I disagree with him on a number of points. His spelling of Winnie is Winny – not right. And he writes about Chris Hani being the first black President of S.Africa. I disagree. I can’t see it. Nelson Mandela was #1 all the way – it was evident from day 1.

But, what I find very interesting, at the bottom of this are the chats Anthony had with former President P.W.Botha in 2004 when Anthony was in S.Africa.

I must admit, PW is one man I would have loved to talk to. There are so many questions I would have liked to ask him. Jan]

Beyond Reconciliation: P.W. Botha and Nelson Mandela’s Brilliant Example By Anthony C. LoBaido

Antonio Gramsci, the great Italian communist thinker who was imprisoned in fascist Italy, sought to transform Christian, democratic societies in the West by taking over the culture; novels, plays, radio, newspapers and so forth. This was a maverick break from orthodox Marxist-Leninist thought in the first decades after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

Truly it is the capitalists who in recent decades have made untold billions by debasing the morals of our nation's and the West's and the world's youth.

It ranks as a strange paradox … capitalists carrying out what was originally a communist aim.

But while the culture war may have been lost in America, that doesn’t mean that the war between good and evil has been lost. If anything, the good people are becoming refined through fire and trials.

Readers seemed to be more than a bit inspired by my recent column “Gramsci and American TV culture.”

Writing all the way around the world from Singapore, (where Sex in the City's filth was banned by that government until recent times), Nadira Binte Samsir wrote, “I respect your views and totally agree with view of moral degeneration that TV is propagating … everyone is getting naked on the road nowadays … thanks to the MTV shows and the next American top model.

Matilda, an American woman wrote, “(I) am still in trauma! I don’t watch TV for entertainment though (I) do watch the Evening News and C-Span. (I) am shocked and sad to think that these things are going on. Do people watch that stuff? (I) am actually hoping it isn’t true, but afraid it might be.

Father Malachi Martin [deceased] educates about Gramsci also. So then why was Mr. Clinton over there learning Gramsci’s ways and methods? Naught to do but pray for Mercy! It’s all pretty advanced then isn’t it?”

Since I published that piece I have seen even more debased TV. Cameron Diaz faking giving oral sex in a skit on Saturday Night Live for one thing.

Charlie Sheen's Two and a Half Men did a full episode on vomit in the toilet bowl and another episode on taking a little boy to Las Vegas to watch scrambled porn on TV in the hotel room.

It just never stops, does it?

Godless parents, a sick public school system and a sicker culture are destroying the minds and souls of our children. They have been thrown into a lake and asked not to get wet. Even the most lost and behaviorally disturbed children can probably (and intuitively) see that something is very wrong with our society.

It is just so sad and even evil. This is the “paradigm shift” we live in, a great delusion, a sea change in the way humans perceive reality. Things that made my parents nauseated are now not only tolerated but celebrated.

May we inquire at what Earthly and eternal cost to our children? And if we love our children then we will fight for their souls vs. the culture and the schools. If we don’t then we do not love them. It’s really just that simple.

Anyone who says otherwise is the worst kind of fool.

The question begs, will God allow this kind of wickedness to continue and flourish? The Bible speaks of many prophecies about the future. (NBC's Ancient Prophecies series was excellent and brought together Jewish, Native American and even New Age archetype prophecies and weaved them into a coherent and thought-provoking show).

Mocking God via debased TV, film and advertising “entertainment,”

worshipping Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Bank as the basis of our (foreign money borrowed) prosperity, evolutionary doctrine (“In the beginning there was nothing, which then promptly exploded” as radioactive lava balls in outer space turned into butterflies), GM/GE foods, cloning and the way our transnational elite has taken all of us back to the pre-Magna Carta era are things we accept at our own peril.

But instead of having negative thoughts about the future, it might be better to look at the past.

Just this morning I received an email from overseas which spoke about famous people who had publicly mocked God.

Galatians 6:7 reads; “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man (or woman) soweth, that shall he (or she) also reap.” This is frightening when you realize that God does not “love the sinner and hate the sin.” When we sin we are immediately in God’s wrath.

John Lennon, speaking back in the year 1966 said; “Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple. Today we are more famous than Him.”

After saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, Lennon was shot six times.

Tancredo Neves: During a Presidential campaign he said if he got 500 votes from his party not even God would remove him from the Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President and died.

Cazuza: During a show in Rio de Janeiro whilst smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said; “God, that’s for you.” He also died.

The man who built the Titanic: After the construction of Titanic was completed a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be. With an ironic tone he said; “Not even God can sink this ship.” (Ask Leonardo DiCaprio what happened next!) Marilyn Monroe: She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show. After hearing what the preacher had to say, she said: “I don’t need your Jesus.” A week later, she was found dead in her apartment. (I wonder what JFK thought about all this?)

Bon Scott, the ex-vocalist of the music group AC/DC is another. In one of his 1979 songs he sang; “Don't stop me … I'm going down all the way, wow the highway to hell.” In February of 1980, Bon Scott was found dead as he had been choked by his own vomit. (The moral is to always remember to bring along your vomit bag from the airplane).

This writer might throw in a few more names.

The ex-dictator of Mozambique, Samora Machel, dared God to strike him dead in full view during a public speech. He died in 1986 in an airplane crash some have attributed to the apartheid-era South African Special Forces. His ex-wife Graca Machel later married Nelson Mandela, believe it or not, on his 80th birthday.

Bill Gates, during a speech which occurred around the time he and wife Melinda gave millions from his personal fortune to continue the United Nations global abortion programs (possibly as a quid pro quo for his breaking the information monopoly of the transnational elite — you saw how Janet Reno came down on Microsoft) was nearly killed by a falling chunk of ceiling during the most recent Seattle earthquake.

Bill Cosby, who did so much to promote the murderous Winny Mandela and her rise to power in the New Marxist South Africa, sadly saw his own son murdered by an Eastern European immigrant. This evil work had archetype CCB fingerprints all over it and brought to mind the assassination of the late ANC leader Chris Hani.

Mr. Hani probably would have become the first black President of South African instead of Nelson Mandela as he was very popular within the ANC from A to Z. This would have led to many problems for the global transnational elite backing the ANC at the expense of the Afrikaners, English and Zulus.

Consider that Nelson Mandela wanted to maintain relations with Taiwan over Mainland China. Also, like Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Hani would have opposed GM foods. Under ANC rule, South Africa has quickly become the world's field laboratory for genetically engineered crops. Beyond that, the ANC switched South Africa's recognition from Taiwan to Beijing, which Nelson Mandela said “would be immoral.” (Maybe he really is a saint?!)

Winny Mandela once said, “Together with our matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country.” She was referring to a burning tire filled with petrol put around the necks of her enemies and then set alight.

This is the kind of person your children will no doubt learn to adore in the government controlled public school system and by watching Oprah! Winny wooed the crowd on Oprah! while denying she'd ever murdered anyone (remember poor Stompie?) or ordered the use of the necklace, which are outright lies.

This writer watched that particular show with great interest. Lies sell while you can't give the truth away. This is all very spiritually polluting.

During a personal interview in 2004 with P.W. Botha, (Die Groot Krokodil!) the former Prime Minister of South Africa, P.W. told me, “Anthony, I fought terrorism and America put sanctions against me.” The ANC had been on the State Department's list of terrorist groups during the Reagan years.

P.W. also spoke about how he received a call from Nelson Mandela thanking P.W. for caring for Nelson when he was sick in prison. P.W. had organized doctors from Switzerland to help Nelson. It was P.W. Botha who really paved the way for Nelson Mandela's release from prison, not F.W. De Klerk, who is seen as a sellout and traitor by much of Afrikanerdom. (Readers might look over my article, “Marxists Destroy New South Africa” on, which created a huge firestorm in South Africa).

DeKlerk received millions of dollars in bribe money from various European sources to turn over the country to the ANC. P.W. Botha was also offered such bribes and refused them. DeKlerk also told P.W. that he gave away that bribe money to colleges and churches in South Africa. This story was personally told to me, Anthony C. LoBaido, by P.W. Botha and his wife Barbara, a very godly woman who has become kind of a second mother to this writer.

Nelson Mandela has since called the Afrikaners, “Decent people misled by their leaders.” He also visited the widow of Apartheid's founder in a very classy gesture of kindness and reconciliation. Again, maybe he really is a living saint? Or maybe he just likes talking to people his own age?

Regardless, it is inspiring to see such things.

Truly we live in strange times but moreover glorious times in which old enemies can become new friends. Good is good and evil is evil. We all need to sort out our own issues and ideals in a spirit of meekness and humility and love.

We need to make things right with each other, with our children and with God, the Supreme Being. As such, P.W. Botha and Nelson Mandela have much to teach us about what is right and what is good. Let us all try to follow their example in our own personal war with evil.

Anthony C. LoBaido is an American writer and photographer.

You can write him at [email protected]